Tuesday, June 27, 2017

No-Churn Dairy-Free Matcha Ice Cream

Today we're going to show you how to make the easiest no-churn matcha ice cream on the planet. Not only is no churning required, it's dairy free too!

INGREDIENTS: (makes 1 serving)

1 tsp matcha powder
small amoung of very hot water
1 oz. marshmallows
1/2 cup coconut milk


Dissolve matcha powder with a small amount of hot water and set aside. In a bowl, combine marshmallows and coconut milk and microwave for 90 seconds. Take it out and mix until smooth and the marshmallows have completely melted. Add in the matcha and mix until combined.

Once it has cooled, cover with plastic wrap and freeze for one hour. After an hour, take it out. The mixture will still be soft. Give it a quick mix and freeze for another 2-3 hours. Take it out and it's ready to eat!

This no-dairy ice cream becomes very hard and difficult to scoop if frozen for too long so we recommend enjoying your matcha ice cream immediately. If you'd like an easy recipe for matcha ice cream but you don't mind some dairy, check out this recipe instead. This one will keep in the freezer without getting too hard.


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to trying this! Seems like the perfect treat for the hot weather. Thank you for the recipe!


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